Faculty/Staff Directory
Phone: (708) 456-0300
Name | Department | Ext | |
Fernandez, Stella | Nursing | stellafernandez@yf1582.com | |
Ferris, Brenda | Admissions and Records | brendaferris@yf1582.com | 3041 |
Figg, Frances | Architecture | francesfigg@yf1582.com | 3129 |
Figueroa, Jessica | Operations and Maintenance | jessicafigueroa2@yf1582.com | |
Finch, La Trice | Nursing | latricefinch@yf1582.com | 3925 |
Fioccola, Sebastiano | Operations and Maintenance | sebastianofioccola@yf1582.com | 3241 |
Fisher, Laura | Continuing Education | laurafisher@yf1582.com | 3768 |
Fitzgerald, Ogden | Police | ogdenfitzgerald@yf1582.com | |
Flaherty, Kevin | Fire Science | kevinflaherty@yf1582.com | |
Flaherty, Michael | English Department | michaelflaherty@yf1582.com | 3250 |
Flanagan, James | Continuing Education | jamesflanagan@yf1582.com | |
Fleming, Kevin | Continuing Education | kevinfleming@yf1582.com | |
Flens, Kyle | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | kyleflens@yf1582.com | |
Fletcher, Delisha | Arts and Sciences | delishafletcher@yf1582.com | 3529 |
Flippo, David | Music | davidflippo@yf1582.com | |
Flores, Danielle | Center for Access and Accommodative Services | danielleflores@yf1582.com | 3853 |
Flores, Flor | Operations and Maintenance | florflores@yf1582.com | |
Flores, Lupe | Operations and Maintenance | lupeflores@yf1582.com | |
Flores, Ramon | Cernan Earth and Space Center | ramonflores@yf1582.com | |
Flowers, Gloria | Admissions and Records | gloriaflowers@yf1582.com | |
Fluker, Mitchell | Athletics | mitchellfluker@yf1582.com | |
Flynn, Sean | Emergency Medical Technician | seanflynn@yf1582.com | |
Fogg, Nicholas | Athletics | nicholasfogg@yf1582.com | |
Foley, Nicole | Athletics | nicolefoley@yf1582.com | 3826 |
Ford, Nicole | Business | nicoleford@yf1582.com | |
Foster, Wayne | Cernan Earth and Space Center | waynefoster@yf1582.com | 3885 |
Fournier, Rebecca | English Department | rebeccafournier@yf1582.com | 3293 |
Fouts, Matthew | English Department | matthewfouts@yf1582.com | |
Fredette, Zelda | ECE/Education | zeldafredette@yf1582.com | 3640 |
Fritz, Joyce | Nursing | joycefritz@yf1582.com | 3924 |
Gaetto, Van | Shipping and Receiving | vangaetto@yf1582.com | |
Gajc, Theresa | Accounts Payable | theresagajc@yf1582.com | 3355 |
Galivan, Gail | Continuing Education | gailgalivan@yf1582.com | |
Gallagher, Patrick | Continuing Education | patrickgallagher@yf1582.com | |
Gallagher, Shawna | Math | shawnagallagher@yf1582.com | 3576 |
Galusza, Lucyna | Math | lucynagalusza@yf1582.com | 3361 |
Gangl, Sarah | Student Services | sarahgangl@yf1582.com | 3842 |
Garcia, Joselyne | Academic Success Center | joselynegarcia@yf1582.com | |
Garcia, Juliana | Library | julianagarcia@yf1582.com | |
Garcia, Olivia | Advising | oliviagarcia@yf1582.com | 3618 |
Garcia, Pedro | Operations and Maintenance | pedrogarcia@yf1582.com | 3210 |
Garcia, Salvador | Programming Services | salvadorgarcia@yf1582.com | 3796 |
Garcia, Victor | Shipping and Receiving | victorgarcia@yf1582.com | |
Garrison, James | Continuing Education | jamesgarrison@yf1582.com | |
Garrity, Michael | Information Technology | michaelgarrity@yf1582.com | 3684 |
Garsenstein, Johanna | Continuing Education | johannagarsenstein@yf1582.com | |
Gasca, Lorena | Career Services | lorenagasca@yf1582.com | 3805 |
Geary, Jennifer | Advising | jennifergeary@yf1582.com | 3657 |
Gentile, Michael | Emergency Medical Technician | michaelgentile@yf1582.com | |
George, Jeremy | Continuing Education | jeremygeorge@yf1582.com |